Next to my computer there is a post-it with some names on it. 12 names to be a little more exact. The list exists, because I’m getting older (no reason to ignore this fact), which means that my memory often lets me down, so whenever I come across a band I should post about in the blog, I immediately add it to the list. But the past two-three days I’ve been adding and adding without really subtracting any (except
Andrew Boland yesterday), leaving me with quite a long list of names. So where do I start? Should I just post the songs and not give a bleeping f*ck about the words?
Or should I make detailed posts and hope that no new names will be added the next few days/weeks? Luckily it is lunch time very soon, so hopefully I’ll return rejuvenated and ready to fire away!
good idea... maybe I should start a list like that, too! :D
I also refrain from just posting songs without any information, so whenever I'm not in the mood to write much or don't have time to do so, I do the "Quick Tipp" thing like today... it's a nice compromise! ;)
12 bands doesn't seem so much - I guess I've about 50 names on my list, some of them been there for ages... :-)
Hmm - yeah. Maybe 12 bands isn't too bad after all :)
Quick tip? Sounds like a great idea ;)
I typically have a schedule of mp3 posts planned 2-3 weeks in advance. and another, even longer list of bands to possibly feature on one of my myspace crawls. 12 is nothing.
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