January 29, 2008


Eardrums has an excellent post on the first EP by Celestial frontman Andreas Hagman's new project Northern Fields. I’m also the happy receiver of a copy of the EP and just as expected this is just fabulous Swedish indie pop.
+ Rye Fields

It hasn’t really snowed this winter, so you still have to wait for my traditional posting of Snow Fell (It’s Night) by The Consultants. That band is no more, but lead singer Marisha is in a brand new band charmingly named Rattus rattus (the Latin (?) name for Black Rat). Their stuff seems to be rougher and less melodic than The Consultants.
+ Wes Anderson

Emerald Park is sharing a lovely new track named Värnhem. Despite the Swedish title it’s in English, so rest assure.
+ Värnhem

Danish music blog Börneblogger is a new addition to the blogroll.

Today Peter introduces us to the completely unknown but nonetheless pretty darn good French indie rock band Skymobil.
+ For You

Lots of mails on various Keane covers went back and forth yesterday, and I honestly was surprised how busy the trio has been recording other artists' songs. Not all covers were as well-made as this one of She Sells Sanctuary (note: not a video; just some photos accompanying the song).

1 comment:

Parklife said...

I LOVE KEane's version of "She sells sanctuary", this is great!