I really, really should have known better. Staying up until 3am Saturday night drinking red wine and sipping
Strawberry Daiquiries as if is was lemonade. My age taken into consideration, my experience should have told me that this kind of behavior would lead to torture of my head and body for the entire Sunday. And of course I ended up being a complete mess yesterday, because those kinds of predictions just never fail to materialize. So age and knowledge don’t make you behave more wisely, but age sure means that hangovers take longer and longer getting over. I’m not a miserable wreck like yesterday…but darn close! However, in all honesty, I really hope that I’ll stay at the beginning of the learning curve, because I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t have a jolly good time Saturday night!
So no updates today, but hopefully (hopefully) I’ll be back again tomorrow…
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