+ Volvoe - Travelling
+ The Holiday Show - Snookerstar
+ Port Largo - Breakdown Into Fiction
+ The Lukewarm - BlackRoom
+ Kind Of Girl - Poetry Boy
+ Bahnhof - Tanktop Girl
+ The Floor Is Made Of Lava - Do Your Sister
+ Flying Virgins - Evil Fender
+ Windermere - Trailer Park
+ Dúné - Go Go Valentina
+ Anamia - Butterfly In Paris
+ Green Concorde - This Time (Remix by tWAMi)
+ Madrigal - Entitled To
+ 1234 - Saddest
+ Hazey Jane - Bad Wine
+ The Ondt And The Gracehopper - When We Dead Awaken
+ tWAMi - My Spanish Romance
You forget MOI CAPRICE. "My girl you blush" is a very good song!!!
Yeah, and Mew, The Raveonettes, Spleen United and Kashmir are missing too, but I guess the tape is all about Danish artists with free songs Morten mentioned in the past six months. So Moi Caprice can't b included here. :-)
My Girl You Blush can actually be downloaded for free at the band's Myspace profile. But (as always) I wanted to put the focus on lesser known Danish artists. And Peter you're right! The songs must have been made available for free by the artists.
and where is Cinnober? ;)
Thanx for entries on the mixtape list stytzer :-) Lots of good music on those lists that's for sure.
New Anamia materiel ready in september!
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