October 17, 2008


The jury is still out on the concert tonight. I’m meeting a friend in Copenhagen for beer(s) and shawarma, and the mission tonight will be selling him the idea of going. But he has fairly decent taste in music, so shouldn’t be that hard…I hope!
+ Cleo MaloneThe Way Down
+ The Imaginary Orchestra of Mr. KiteThe Mapmakers Dream

We Had Faces Then enters the Danish album chart at no. 29 this week. You probably only have to sell a few hundred copies these days to achieve that?

Guitarist and shoegaze enthusiast Andy Durutti has established his own label named Self Storage Recordings. The first release is a 16 tracks compilation featuring artists like Elika, Ulrich Schnauss, Soundpool, Panda Riot etc. and will be available November 3rd.
+ ElikaNowhere

Remember that the debut album by The Holiday Show is released on Monday!

Danish music blogs earcandy and Organgrinder have been added to the blogroll.


Anonymous said...

Hej Stytzer

Jeg håber du fik overtalt din ven i aftes, og kom forbi Lades til vores lille koncert. Det var en rigtig god aften.

/Lars V
The Imaginary Orchestra of Mr. Kite

Unknown said...

Hej Lars.

Vi faldt desværre i et vandhul, som vi aldrig kom op af, så vi missede både jer og Cleo Malone.

Måtte det blive en anden god gang i stedet!