Now two of the three band members are back writing and recording songs, as Ivan and Mikkel have launched the first of two new band constellations, The Boombox Hearts, where Ivan writes the songs, sings and plays the guitar, and Mikkel takes care of the bass. Regarding the second constellation we’ll have to wait a few more months before any songs will be put out, but accordingly roles will be reversed (Mikkel in charge of writing, singing etc. and Ivan playing the bass) and the lyrics will be in Danish, which I personally think could be very, very interesting. Obviously it needs to be mentioned that both constellations will (and already) feature several other band members, which is especially evident on the track Torquay # one, where a young lady named Ida (that's all the info I've got) does the singing.
The first two tracks published by The Boombox Hearts are lo-fi and stripped down demos, but nonetheless quite intriguing and definitely promising that even greater things are in the making. Off the record (and very hush, hush) I’ve had the privilege to listen to a few earlier demos, and I guarantee that I'm not making this "great stuff in the making" up just to be nice.
The band claims to be playing a mix of 60ies pop, melancholic lo-fi, country and indie (and say they are sorry, if they don't), and though I’m not really sure whether they actually do (the lo-fi part aside) or don’t, I’m definitely sure that I like it!
+ Extras, when you're ready, please
+ Torquay # one
An official band photo has yet to be published, so I've decided to use the photo from the facebook fan page, though it was probably picked, because they had to post "something".
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