December 5, 2005

Demo of the month (December) in Danish magazine Gaffa is by duo Ruined By Martin. According to the band itself the music is a hybrid of raw energy, coolness, masculinity and dreamy pop music with heavy beats and worked-through melodies. Pretty accurate description and it probably would take me quite some time to think of a more precise one.
The demo contains 4 songs and each one is fresh, melodic, straight-forward, well-produced and oozes of potential. Listening is a real pleasure and at times it can be rather difficult to understand that this is a demo. I cannot see what should hold the "big" companies back and prevent them from signing these guys to a record contract.

I'm definitely looking forward to hearing more from the band!

Stream the songs at the band's webpage or buy the demo at as I did!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hej Stytzer!

Tusind tak for den pæne omtale af os på din hjemmeside. Vi er glade for, at vores musik falder i din smag.
Vi er for øjeblikket i gang med at færdiggøre 3-4 numre til en ny EP, så du kommer forhåbentlig til at høre mere til os inden længe.

Bedste hilsner

Ruined by Martin