According to my Last.fm account I've listened to nearly 26,000 songs since 9th February last year. That's almost 63 songs per day or 5-6 albums. I've been listening to a LOT of music I guess?
According to Sitemeter this blog average 77 visits per day (long term) or 153 (short term). Obviously I wouldn't mind more hits, but my original ambition was 24 hits per day (1 per hour), so I guess I have no reason not to be satisfied?

Take Me Down (Remix) [mp3]
Silence Flows Through Noise [mp3]
Sleeper [mp3]

The Handles
Addictive [mp3] This one blew me away. Cannot believe that this band has split up!
Youth [mp3]
The Walls
Black And Blue [mp3] Very, very, very etc. catchy.
Something's Wrong [mp3]
Lotus Lullaby
Frequency [mp3] Adding a little electronica to the mix.
When It Feels So Good [mp3]
Push [mp3]
God Bless The Devil [mp3] Another really catchy one.....
Hi, I just wanted to say I love your blog and I check it daily!!! nice to know I'm not the only one into music like this!!!! Keep going!!!
As for lastfm and myspace, you have more friends than I do and you listened to more music than I do, although my account was created on september 18th and I've lsitened to 10 000 songs so far...
My conclusion to all this is that hardcore music fans have a myspace, have a blog, have a lastfm account!!! anything else???
my music blog : The Music and I, live in Denmark
You (and everybody else) should DEFINETLY buy the Malory records - especialls their first (Not here not now) and their third are GREAT! :-)
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