Check the weather forecast. Summer is here :-)
Swedish/Danish constellation Lampshade is band of the week at Mymusic.dk and the band is frequently mentioned in the media these days. I've been aware of the band's existence for quite some time now, but as usual I've done my best to demonstrate that I'm one big ignorant, so I haven't bothered listening to them. But yesterday I finally did and the two available songs show that this is a very nice sounding indie pop band. So maybe there is a reason for all the hype!?
+ New Legs
+ Disse Fugle (lyrics in Danish)
I mentioned Seattle band Shake Some Action two weeks ago and yesterday two new songs were uploaded to the band's Myspace profile. Once again the band delivers a couple of very catchy guitar pop/rock tracks, which does indeed bring back memories of The Stone Roses, The La's etc. I'm starting to look forward to the debut album (to be released later this year).
+ Couldn't Help Yourself
+ Someone Else's Friend
Welsh band SixOneSeven reminds me a lot of (another Welsh band) Stereophonics. Nice rock songs with a lead singer sounding like he spent last night at the pub smoking and drinking.
+ Maps
+ Time
+ Fall My Way
Rodolfo (thanks once again) recommends UK band NEiLS CHiLDREN. Not quite sure how to label this kind of music (post-punk maybe?), but it's pretty cool.
+ Another Day
+ Something You Said
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