One of the members of Traening is now in the more well-known EPO-555 and musically the bands are related, as they both play a kind of alternative electro noise pop. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you like EPO-555 there is a good chance that you'll like Traening as well!
+ Swim
+ Only You
Both songs are from the 2003 album Better Than This.
After listening to it 20 times (at least) yesterday there is no longer any doubt in my mind. Map Of The Problematique by Muse is the best song of 2006 so far!
I emailed Mymusic yesterday suggesting that (some of) the pages should be translated into English, because foreigners have no clue how to register (thus being allowed to download the songs). Today I received a reply saying that they are thinking of it. Stop thinking! Just do it!
There has been lots of complaints about the new The Stills album in the blogosphere and today Danish magazine Gaffa gave the album 1 out of 6 stars.
Yes, Maps of the Problematique is fantastic! (Didn't I tell you so? ;-) I have to buy the Muse-album for this song alone (luckily there are some other good songs on it...)
there are, Peter, there are. I for myself seem to be one of the few that like Invincible best. And "Map" is a damn fine song!
Thanks Morten, for your intervention at mymusic.dk... hope we'll see the results soon! ;)
The Best song on that brilliant album most be "City of Delusion"
I didn't find signing into Mymusic that bad (even though my Danish is appaling)... I know most Danes would hate me saying this, but if someone's already got knowledge of German/ English and a tiny bit of Danish, the can probably work out what's going on... That said it'd be great to see some of the stuff translated into English, if only to make it more accessible... Afterall, anything that gets the word out....
Never heard of the band but sounds interresting. Will listen to it :-)
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