I’m seriously considering a switch back to English. The logic being that my posts in Danish are shit and so were my posts in English. Though it shouldn’t really matter since no one’s reading anything I write anyway. But after all; writing in English should increase the number of people not reading my posts. By that I mean that there are far more people understanding English than Danish, so by switching back you can say that I’ll be ignored by a far greater number of people. Make sense of that if you can…
The title refers to the shape of my back. It’s been hurting for nearly three months and just when I thought things were getting better, I spent 9 hours this past weekend on a bench, in a church, in Copenhagen watching a somewhat shortened version of Wagner’s Ring Cycle (the blurry photo is from Die Walküre). I survived and actually thought it was immensely enjoyable, but my back sure took a setback (it prefers that I’m either laying down or standing up). Perhaps someday I’ll write some thoughts on the Ring Cycle, as there sure is a lot to say, mean, think etc. But (hopefully) without sounding too melodramatic, music, movies etc. will never quite be the same again after being introduced to The Ring, as I will constantly from now on and forever be hearing and looking for references.
In case you didn’t understand any of my Danish posts (and you probably weren’t around anyway) they were in vast majority a copy paste of previous posts written in English. Most of the time bitching and nagging about the poor quality of the music found in the mailbox. Or putting it another way…shitty music for at shitty blog! However some music was actually pretty OK, so you really should do yourself the favor and scroll down or check some older posts. There were gems!
But today I’m just cursing at my back pain…ouch...and will perhaps be checking out some music as well, but don't count on it!
The title refers to the shape of my back. It’s been hurting for nearly three months and just when I thought things were getting better, I spent 9 hours this past weekend on a bench, in a church, in Copenhagen watching a somewhat shortened version of Wagner’s Ring Cycle (the blurry photo is from Die Walküre). I survived and actually thought it was immensely enjoyable, but my back sure took a setback (it prefers that I’m either laying down or standing up). Perhaps someday I’ll write some thoughts on the Ring Cycle, as there sure is a lot to say, mean, think etc. But (hopefully) without sounding too melodramatic, music, movies etc. will never quite be the same again after being introduced to The Ring, as I will constantly from now on and forever be hearing and looking for references.
In case you didn’t understand any of my Danish posts (and you probably weren’t around anyway) they were in vast majority a copy paste of previous posts written in English. Most of the time bitching and nagging about the poor quality of the music found in the mailbox. Or putting it another way…shitty music for at shitty blog! However some music was actually pretty OK, so you really should do yourself the favor and scroll down or check some older posts. There were gems!
But today I’m just cursing at my back pain…ouch...and will perhaps be checking out some music as well, but don't count on it!