The awesome Irish label
Indiecater (run by the equally awesome
MP3hugger) has decided to
digitally reissue the 1996 debut album
Friday Night by Irishmen
The Brilliant Trees. Cannot say that I’ve ever heard of them, but in general
Kevin has a really fine taste when it comes to music, so I expected that his motives for reissuing the album had more to do with it being a great one rather than him being an unselfish nice guy. By that I’m obviously NOT trying to say that he isn’t a nice bloke at all, but hopefully you get my point! So I asked for a promo copy (promo digital copy to be exact, since this is not a physical thing) and it arrived in my mailbox within minutes. Told you he’s a nice guy, but it also told me that he’s quite anxious for people to get the opportunity to listen to the album.
In the promo mail he shares his surprise why the band wasn’t huge and it’s not difficult asking yourself the exact same question, as this albums blends the best of
britpop with the jangling indie pop of the late 80’s and early 90’s exemplified by many a
Sarah Records release. Though one could imagine that the album somehow drowned back then, when every band sounded more or less the same, or maybe the band simply leaped onto the stage too late, when the britpop genre had started its decline? Reasons can be multiple and no point in wasting time on speculations. But unlike many other bands that didn’t make it,
The Brilliant Trees now gets a second chance thanks to
Indiecater. The same do we, the listeners, because just like me, you probably missed them the first time around? And trust me when I say that missing them a second time as well, will be close to unbearable…
A digital copy of this fine piece of art can be yours for the monstrous price of €3.50 and obviously you can
stream the whole thing, before making your purchasing decision.
Gone For Good