Monday that my to-do list was rapidly growing and somehow I still ended up posting nothing (or close to nothing) yesterday. D’oh! So time for more catching up and why not start with the best piece of news? Fairly new Danish band
The Boombox Hearts (still
my first and only post on the band is nearly 6 months old) has been busy recording and is giving away two new tracks. Still have no clue whatsoever how to label this stuff, but since
the band itself continues to use the description “
We try to play: 60ies pop / melancholic lo-fi / country / indie. If we don't, we're sorry”, why not stick to that? And who cares about tags and labels anyway? Far more relevant is that the pounding
Everything (which features
Line of
Cody on cello and definitely is the standout track of the two) has left quite an impression and continues to grow on me for every listen. Now one can just hope that we don’t have to wait another 6 months for the next piece of news?
Secrets/GirlsHeard fine new single
Oh Solitude by
RebekkaMaria on the radio last night and today the
Anderson mix of said track arrived in the mailbox. Hard to imagine a better timing! The original version of the track will be included on her sophomore album
Sister Sortie, which will be out on March 1. The remix is pretty good by the way!
Oh Solitude (Anderson mix)Danish duo
Stoffer & Maskinen shares their second single
Flader mod Flader. The band was
signed last year by
Speed of Sound and according to the press material a debut album will be released in March. The first two singles (the first release was called
De Eneste Tilbage) are (here we go again) creating some serious headaches, when trying to find a fitting description. But think cool, powerful, energetic, somewhat noisy and still really catchy electronic rock, and maybe (just maybe) we are closing in on something.
Flader mod FladerWords are hard (even harder than usual) to find today. So no more updates I'm afraid!