No and The Maybes played a really tight set and managed to include just about every track from their debut album. The songs are short with a Beach Boys/60’s feel to them, which makes you think wayfarers and suntan rather than snowballs and Christmas trees. But despite this being December, it was still nice seeing the trio again and I’m already looking forward to the next time. Plague of Angels has posted a few songs of the debut album, and I strongly urge you to check them out.
Somehow it always seems close to impossible to rate a concert by one of your favorite acts. moi Caprice performed 16 songs and still it was way too short. A few too many songs from the back catalogue were missing and the sound wasn’t the best. But being biased as I am, I still think the concert, despite those flaws, was absolutely fantastic. And it was quite encouraging that a decent number of people actually showed up (close to 100).
After the concert I had the privilege to chat briefly with lead singer Michael Møller and (sort of) got answers to two of my burning questions. What will happen to those “catchy” tracks that the band claims to have deliberately cut from We Had Faces Then (to be released at some later point) and does he plan to release a follow up to his amazing solo album Every Streetcar's Got a Name (he probably will some day, but it will neither sound like Streetcar nor as moi Caprice “light”).
+ No and The Maybes - Mouth
+ moi Caprice – For Once in Your Life Try Fight for Something You Believe In
+ Michael Møller - All the Girls I Lost in the Fires
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