US synth duo (and long time favorites) Cause & Effect has announced that they are currently working on new songs! If/once the songs are published that will be the first new stuff we hear from the lads since the 2003 The Sunrise EP! Below the video for what is perhaps their best known song Another Minute as well as a remix of The Sunrise EP track Into The Light.
+ Into the Light (DJ Jeff Barringer & J-Star Remix)
February 27, 2010
Microsonidos 2010 - Northern Portrait...
Thanks to J.A. (once again), for the heads up on another video of Northern Portrait performing at Microsonidos 2010.
+ Crazy
+ I Give You Two Seconds To Entertain Me
+ Criminal Art Lovers
+ New Favourite Moment
+ Crazy
+ I Give You Two Seconds To Entertain Me
+ Criminal Art Lovers
+ New Favourite Moment
February 26, 2010
Here's a great piece of news from Danish electro rock quartet Volvoe. The band has been quiet for a long, long time (thought it was appropriate to add an extra "long" compared to my previous mentioning of the band), but yesterday they announced that their debut album will be out some time this spring (or summer). The album will be named Black Doors and two tracks are now streaming on the band’s Myspace page. Plus a third track can be heard as well if you watch the video clip below. No news on the number of tracks and how the album will be released (self-release, label, download, CD etc.), but the three appetizers sound real promising, so chances should be pretty good that the album will be able to match the brilliant, but already 3 years old, Organized Faults EP (download links below).
+ Organized Faults
+ Places
+ Remedy
+ Snowscape
+ These Moments
+ Organized Faults
+ Places
+ Remedy
+ Snowscape
+ These Moments
Champagne Riot - Ingrid Bergman...
A video for this magnificent pop tune has been released. If you think the content is rather're absolutely right!
February 25, 2010
To be or not to be cool...

+ Left Me High (disabled)
February 24, 2010
February 23, 2010
The Frozen Ocean...
Band of Horses will be at Vega on April 18, but am not planning attending this one. First of all April 18 is Sunday of the Copenhagen Popfest, so I expect to be worn out completely by then. And since I did see them a couple of years ago, I believe I’ll manage without seeing them this time, though I did think the show back then was absolutely brilliant. Copenhagen will be the last stop on a short European Tour (8 dates announced so far), which has made me start looking for news on any imminent release(s), though without much success so far!
+ Is There A Ghost
+ The Funeral
Tower Of Foil shares a second single from the band’s forthcoming album Driving North. The new track is called The Frozen Ocean is a real typical Tower Of Foil track in the sense that it’s sweet and beautiful. And with the weather being as it is right now, it’s hard to imagine a better timed release.
+ The Frozen Ocean
A Pleasant Dream is a pleasant Spanish blog (though I don’t understand a single word – you know; No habla español) focusing entirely on Nordic pop music.
Danny Provencher of Under Electric Light has teamed up with Rudy Behrnard of Les Incendiaries to form Those Weird, Dreamy Sounds. The first published track by the duo is the (rather oddly) named Á nœturnar, which does in fact sound weird and dreamy as well as somewhat incomplete.
+ Á nœturnar
+ Les Incendiaires VS Under Electric Light - Danaé (Under Electric Light Remix)
+ Under Electric Light – This Moment
Lucky Soul shares (in exchange for your email address) the title track of the band’s forthcoming album A Coming Of Age. “A lyrically dark, sonically dramatic Bond-theme-in-waiting, influenced by Scott Walker, Edif Piaf and brutal loss of innocence in equal measure”! Couldn’t have said that better myself...cough, cough.
+ Is There A Ghost
+ The Funeral
Tower Of Foil shares a second single from the band’s forthcoming album Driving North. The new track is called The Frozen Ocean is a real typical Tower Of Foil track in the sense that it’s sweet and beautiful. And with the weather being as it is right now, it’s hard to imagine a better timed release.
+ The Frozen Ocean
A Pleasant Dream is a pleasant Spanish blog (though I don’t understand a single word – you know; No habla español) focusing entirely on Nordic pop music.
Danny Provencher of Under Electric Light has teamed up with Rudy Behrnard of Les Incendiaries to form Those Weird, Dreamy Sounds. The first published track by the duo is the (rather oddly) named Á nœturnar, which does in fact sound weird and dreamy as well as somewhat incomplete.
+ Á nœturnar
+ Les Incendiaires VS Under Electric Light - Danaé (Under Electric Light Remix)
+ Under Electric Light – This Moment
Lucky Soul shares (in exchange for your email address) the title track of the band’s forthcoming album A Coming Of Age. “A lyrically dark, sonically dramatic Bond-theme-in-waiting, influenced by Scott Walker, Edif Piaf and brutal loss of innocence in equal measure”! Couldn’t have said that better myself...cough, cough.
February 22, 2010
Sipping Champagne at the Radio Club...
Cannot recall ever being this tense and alert, as I spent the past weekend constantly monitoring the web for any (and I really mean any!) information regarding tickets for The Radio Dept. concert on May 15. Not that I was expecting to find any news, as tickets never go on sale during weekends, but nonetheless I was pathetically anxious. Predictably tickets became available this morning and now that tickets have been purchased, it’s high time to return to being my old self.
Despite another two months left until it's officially released, it does seem like Clinging To A Scheme has leaked? Whether or not it is in fact the album is obviously impossible to determine, but the songs (the two promo tracks aside) are all new to me, so it could very well be that this is indeed the album (if so - why not release it now?). Unless of course some prankster is pulling our legs! Leak or not! I’m definitely going to buy the album!
And those, I promise, will be the last words on The Radio Dept. for a good while.
+ David
+ Heaven's On Fire
Label mates Club 8 shares new single Western Hospitality. Sure it’s really nice, but each time I listen to it, I can’t help thinking of this one. Though I’m probably the only one who can hear any similarities!
+ Western Hospitality
New track Ingrid Bergman by Champagne Riot is now streaming at Myspace. As previously mentioned it is Stefan of Northern Portrait, who does the singing, and the result of this highly intriguing collaboration is an absolutely glorious pop tune. A video for the song is in the making, but when/if the track will be released remains unresolved for now (or at least has not been made public). Though Shelflife or Matinée seem like real good and fairly obvious bets (just trying to stir up some rumors)! Don't you think?
Despite another two months left until it's officially released, it does seem like Clinging To A Scheme has leaked? Whether or not it is in fact the album is obviously impossible to determine, but the songs (the two promo tracks aside) are all new to me, so it could very well be that this is indeed the album (if so - why not release it now?). Unless of course some prankster is pulling our legs! Leak or not! I’m definitely going to buy the album!
And those, I promise, will be the last words on The Radio Dept. for a good while.
+ David
+ Heaven's On Fire
Label mates Club 8 shares new single Western Hospitality. Sure it’s really nice, but each time I listen to it, I can’t help thinking of this one. Though I’m probably the only one who can hear any similarities!
+ Western Hospitality
New track Ingrid Bergman by Champagne Riot is now streaming at Myspace. As previously mentioned it is Stefan of Northern Portrait, who does the singing, and the result of this highly intriguing collaboration is an absolutely glorious pop tune. A video for the song is in the making, but when/if the track will be released remains unresolved for now (or at least has not been made public). Though Shelflife or Matinée seem like real good and fairly obvious bets (just trying to stir up some rumors)! Don't you think?
February 21, 2010
Microsonidos 2010 - Northern Portrait...
Thanks to J.A. for the heads up on this video of Northern Portrait performing at couple of songs at Microsonidos 2010.
+ Crazy
+ I Give You Two Seconds To Entertain Me
+ Criminal Art Lovers
+ New Favourite Moment
+ Crazy
+ I Give You Two Seconds To Entertain Me
+ Criminal Art Lovers
+ New Favourite Moment
February 19, 2010
Too tired to write anything serious today. As if I ever post anything remotely serious!
That The Radio Dept. concert I mentioned yesterday has yet to be officially announced by either band or venue. Logically no ticket information is available.
Tobias of Blue Foundation explains why Blue Foundation is called...well...Blue Foundation.
+ Stuck In A Hard Place (Reworked)
Still hoping that Copenhagen Popfest will announce the one band sorely missing from the otherwise intriguing line-up; Days!
+ Downhill
Play People offers a 5-track compilation entitled Better Things as a free download via Bandcamp. This is catchy and lovely pop music with a capital P!
+ Oh What A Life...
The fortunate ones attending SXSW should not miss the opportunity to see Kashmir! As well as some of the other interesting Danish names, who'll be playing, like Spleen United, Choir of Young Believers and The Kissaway Trail.
+ Surfing the warm industry
Another Dane performing will be singer-songwriter Mads Langer (though listed as being from London), whose cover of the Olive track You're Not Alone has been getting massive airplay on Danish Radio recently.
+ You're Not Alone (Olive cover)
Why not grab Happy Hollows' pretty fine cover of Under The Milky Way over at You Ain't No Picasso?
That The Radio Dept. concert I mentioned yesterday has yet to be officially announced by either band or venue. Logically no ticket information is available.
Tobias of Blue Foundation explains why Blue Foundation is called...well...Blue Foundation.
+ Stuck In A Hard Place (Reworked)
Still hoping that Copenhagen Popfest will announce the one band sorely missing from the otherwise intriguing line-up; Days!
+ Downhill
Play People offers a 5-track compilation entitled Better Things as a free download via Bandcamp. This is catchy and lovely pop music with a capital P!
+ Oh What A Life...
The fortunate ones attending SXSW should not miss the opportunity to see Kashmir! As well as some of the other interesting Danish names, who'll be playing, like Spleen United, Choir of Young Believers and The Kissaway Trail.
+ Surfing the warm industry
Another Dane performing will be singer-songwriter Mads Langer (though listed as being from London), whose cover of the Olive track You're Not Alone has been getting massive airplay on Danish Radio recently.
+ You're Not Alone (Olive cover)
Why not grab Happy Hollows' pretty fine cover of Under The Milky Way over at You Ain't No Picasso?
February 18, 2010
News of the day...
Or perhaps I should say "news of the year"? The Radio Dept. will be playing at Lille Vega in Copenhagen on Saturday, May 15. Yay, yay, triple yay!
+ Heaven's On Fire
+ David
+ Freddie and the Trojan horse
+ Why won't you talk about it
+ The worst taste in music
+ Heaven's On Fire
+ David
+ Freddie and the Trojan horse
+ Why won't you talk about it
+ The worst taste in music
February 17, 2010
Blogger has been busy deleting music blogs and the debate rages on. Cannot say I’m a huge fan of these actions, but there are indeed some blogs that deserve all the shit they are (and hopefully will be) getting!
Tetris = Therapy has finished recording their debut album Acquaintances and two preview tracks are free to download. The band is still working on the artwork and more importantly on how to release the album. Be it digitally or on CD, I’m definitely in for a copy!
+ Seasick
+ A Lack of Concentration
This is old news already, but since Sunday the excellent For Tomorrow album by Emerald Park has been available as a free download via bandcamp as well as from webpage of the band’s new label 23 Seconds. Labeled "2010 edition" as two extra tracks has been added compared to the original 2008 release.
+ For Tomorrow
While we’re talking about free downloads, don’t forget to grab the Winter EP by Norway’s Remington Super 60. Sweet and lovely, though shorter than anything I can recall ever hearing before, as the 5 tracks last for whopping 8 minutes and 39 seconds.
+ Old Man
In case you didn't notice, this track by Iiris Viljanen was added to the Copenhagen Popfest post yesterday.
+ Bloodline Together
Tetris = Therapy has finished recording their debut album Acquaintances and two preview tracks are free to download. The band is still working on the artwork and more importantly on how to release the album. Be it digitally or on CD, I’m definitely in for a copy!
+ Seasick
+ A Lack of Concentration
This is old news already, but since Sunday the excellent For Tomorrow album by Emerald Park has been available as a free download via bandcamp as well as from webpage of the band’s new label 23 Seconds. Labeled "2010 edition" as two extra tracks has been added compared to the original 2008 release.
+ For Tomorrow
While we’re talking about free downloads, don’t forget to grab the Winter EP by Norway’s Remington Super 60. Sweet and lovely, though shorter than anything I can recall ever hearing before, as the 5 tracks last for whopping 8 minutes and 39 seconds.
+ Old Man
In case you didn't notice, this track by Iiris Viljanen was added to the Copenhagen Popfest post yesterday.
+ Bloodline Together
February 16, 2010
Let the sunshine in...

+ Släpp In Solen ("let in the sun")
+ Här Kommer Solen ("here comes the sun")
(photo credit)
February 13, 2010
A house full of girls...
I assure you that the above title sounds a lot more interesting than is actually the case. My wife has invited five friends over for an all-girl dinner, and I’m looking after the kiddos. Or sort of looking after, as they are busy watching some Barbie flick. So as long as I’m keeping a low profile and minding my own business everyone should be happy. And since I have my laptop and an (so-so working) internet connection, this is exactly what I intend to do! Though at some point, I’m probably going to risk an eye and try to get my hands on a glass of red wine.
But now I’m going to check out some mails, news, blogs etc. and perhaps add something to this post should anything of interest pop up.
Stick around! Who knows what will happen??
Come April Slowshark Records will release Moto Boy’s sophomore album Lost In The Call in Denmark. The label has mailed me the first single of the album called The Heart Is A Rebel and that’s one pure, sweet and catchy pop song!
+ The Heart Is A Rebel
The promo mails have started to arrive, so I'm slowly beginning to believe that Clinging to a Scheme will indeed be released in April. We've been waiting for so long, so can this really be true?
+ Heaven's On Fire
Hungarians EZ Basic are giving away their new (and absolutely smashing) song May in exchange for your email address. So much worth it and right now I simply cannot stop listening! What the f*ck? Taking the chance and risking the second eye by posting the song. The word on this song needs to be spread (and fast) and hopefully the band will approve this move!
+ May
And while you're busy exchanging your mails address, why not swap it for the new and absolutely lovely (and wonderfully titled) single Our Love Was Saved By Spacemen by The Pipettes?
Things are bloody close to surreal tonight. Just found this track by PaperDoll in a promo mail and for the I don't know how manieth time tonight I'm completely blown away. If this is a dream don't wake me up. Unless it's the red wine that's doing the trick?
+ Anything At All
It's almost midnight, so time to find the bed! A lovely Sunday to everyone!
But now I’m going to check out some mails, news, blogs etc. and perhaps add something to this post should anything of interest pop up.
Stick around! Who knows what will happen??
Come April Slowshark Records will release Moto Boy’s sophomore album Lost In The Call in Denmark. The label has mailed me the first single of the album called The Heart Is A Rebel and that’s one pure, sweet and catchy pop song!
+ The Heart Is A Rebel
The promo mails have started to arrive, so I'm slowly beginning to believe that Clinging to a Scheme will indeed be released in April. We've been waiting for so long, so can this really be true?
+ Heaven's On Fire
Hungarians EZ Basic are giving away their new (and absolutely smashing) song May in exchange for your email address. So much worth it and right now I simply cannot stop listening! What the f*ck? Taking the chance and risking the second eye by posting the song. The word on this song needs to be spread (and fast) and hopefully the band will approve this move!
+ May
And while you're busy exchanging your mails address, why not swap it for the new and absolutely lovely (and wonderfully titled) single Our Love Was Saved By Spacemen by The Pipettes?
Things are bloody close to surreal tonight. Just found this track by PaperDoll in a promo mail and for the I don't know how manieth time tonight I'm completely blown away. If this is a dream don't wake me up. Unless it's the red wine that's doing the trick?
+ Anything At All
It's almost midnight, so time to find the bed! A lovely Sunday to everyone!
February 12, 2010

+ Leap of Faith
+ New Perfection
+ Self Assured
+ You Might Make It
February 10, 2010
Remix me...
Danish legends Laid Back has remixed the Lars and The Hands of Light track Me Me Me. The remix features vocals from John Guldberg and has that classic Laid Back feel to it. Even I, who’s a notorious non-fan of remixes, cannot ignore how utterly cool this one is.
+ Me Me Me (Laid Back remix)
No Blood in Bones and Fontän will be playing at Studenterhuset in Copenhagen Friday evening. The No Blood in Bones set will only consist of 5 songs, but since Fontän sounds pretty cool as well (today is the first time I’ve ever listened to them), I’m seriously considering going!
+ No Blood In Bones – Headphones
+ Fontän – Early Morning
RCRD LBL shares a The Juan MacLean remix of the Spleen United track Suburbia. Great seeing the band getting some well deserved exposure on a prominent website, though, I cannot honestly say that I like the remix!
Since this has more or less turned into a remix themed post, this remix of the Animal Collective track My Girls is surprisingly listenable. 2 fine remixes in the same post has to be a personal best!
+ My Girls (Mike Monday Unofficial Remix)
Indie label 24 Hour Service Station will release a 32 track double CD named Ceremony - a New Order tribute - on February 20. The release is dedicated to the late Tony Wilson and contains 31 cover versions of various New Order tracks (by various artists) as well as “a sonically enhanced spoken word dedication to Tony Wilson to introduce the record” by Peter Hook.
+ Me Me Me (Laid Back remix)
No Blood in Bones and Fontän will be playing at Studenterhuset in Copenhagen Friday evening. The No Blood in Bones set will only consist of 5 songs, but since Fontän sounds pretty cool as well (today is the first time I’ve ever listened to them), I’m seriously considering going!
+ No Blood In Bones – Headphones
+ Fontän – Early Morning
RCRD LBL shares a The Juan MacLean remix of the Spleen United track Suburbia. Great seeing the band getting some well deserved exposure on a prominent website, though, I cannot honestly say that I like the remix!
Since this has more or less turned into a remix themed post, this remix of the Animal Collective track My Girls is surprisingly listenable. 2 fine remixes in the same post has to be a personal best!
+ My Girls (Mike Monday Unofficial Remix)
Indie label 24 Hour Service Station will release a 32 track double CD named Ceremony - a New Order tribute - on February 20. The release is dedicated to the late Tony Wilson and contains 31 cover versions of various New Order tracks (by various artists) as well as “a sonically enhanced spoken word dedication to Tony Wilson to introduce the record” by Peter Hook.
February 9, 2010

1. Kent (1,988 plays)
2. Northern Portrait (1,234 plays)
3. ENTAKT (1,027 plays)
4. moi Caprice (1,014 plays)
5. Mew (916 plays)
1. Northern Portrait – Crazy (262 plays)
2. Interpol - Take You On A Cruise (168 plays)
3. moi Caprice – Drama Queen (153 plays)
4. Kind of girl – Poetry boy (149 plays)
5. The fridaynight club – Aeroplanes (141 plays)
February 8, 2010
Tjeklisten is a weekly (and quite popular) radio chart voted for by listeners of Danish Radio P3 and every Sunday afternoon the new list is published. Normally this is the playground for artists like Britney, Robbie, Madonna and (shudder) Lady GaGa (check the list of the 100 most popular artists in the history of the list and you’ll be hard pressed to find 10 decent ones), but every once in a while I do check the list to see if any interesting acts have entered or are being tested (see my post from last Monday). At home it’s (believe it or not) my wife, who decides what’s played on the stereo, so yesterday it was all radio, meaning that I for once had the chance to (or was forced to) listen to Tjeklisten in its entirety. As usual 95% of the content was pure garbage, but at least 4 things were worth noticing, thus justifying this post.
For the third week in a row the list was topped by The Balcony (video) by The Rumour Said Fire. Apparently the song wasn’t even close to being dethroned, so a 4 week reign (at least) seems very likely. I remain seriously puzzled by this, which made me utter the following to my wife. “This is stuff I like and not something that is supposed to be mainstream”. Not exactly an everyday occurrence that a band becomes this popular (not in Denmark at least), when their only release is a 6 track EP! Much deserved though!
Entering the chart at no. 20 is Bone Will Break Metal (video) by Ginger Ninja. Another band I’d hate to see go all mainstream, but since you cannot ignore the financial side of things a long stay in this chart can mean the world to an upcoming band. So please vote for these guys and help them move up the chart.
First song tested was the grand SDP by The Kissaway Trail. It became an immediate favorite, when I heard it the first time back in December, so definitely another track that deserves making the chart.
Finally the new single Hjärta by Kent was among the songs tested, but since this is the most popular band in Scandinavia, cracking the chart isn’t of the same importance as it is for the three aforementioned bands. Kent, at you all probably know, is my favorite band, but they do pick odd tracks as singles, as Hjärta has to be among the weakest tracks on Röd. I really don’t see this as a track that will make people stop and listen if the song is aired on radio, which I’ve always thought was the main purpose of a single? But now having watched the video for the song, it has become quite evident that the band picked Hjärta as their next single with a complete different purpose in mind!
For the third week in a row the list was topped by The Balcony (video) by The Rumour Said Fire. Apparently the song wasn’t even close to being dethroned, so a 4 week reign (at least) seems very likely. I remain seriously puzzled by this, which made me utter the following to my wife. “This is stuff I like and not something that is supposed to be mainstream”. Not exactly an everyday occurrence that a band becomes this popular (not in Denmark at least), when their only release is a 6 track EP! Much deserved though!
Entering the chart at no. 20 is Bone Will Break Metal (video) by Ginger Ninja. Another band I’d hate to see go all mainstream, but since you cannot ignore the financial side of things a long stay in this chart can mean the world to an upcoming band. So please vote for these guys and help them move up the chart.
First song tested was the grand SDP by The Kissaway Trail. It became an immediate favorite, when I heard it the first time back in December, so definitely another track that deserves making the chart.
Finally the new single Hjärta by Kent was among the songs tested, but since this is the most popular band in Scandinavia, cracking the chart isn’t of the same importance as it is for the three aforementioned bands. Kent, at you all probably know, is my favorite band, but they do pick odd tracks as singles, as Hjärta has to be among the weakest tracks on Röd. I really don’t see this as a track that will make people stop and listen if the song is aired on radio, which I’ve always thought was the main purpose of a single? But now having watched the video for the song, it has become quite evident that the band picked Hjärta as their next single with a complete different purpose in mind!
February 5, 2010
From the mailbox (revisited)...
Oh no you say; yet another of those dreaded posts! Well, I’m afraid so. I know they are sorry excuses for posts and are no good for one's blogger renommee (if one has any, of course). But I can think of (at least) three waterproof explanations for, why I shouldn’t feel ashamed of reusing the same formula as used Wednesday. First of all; nothing of any interest is happening these days. If something is in fact happening, I have failed to notice. But then again. Ask my wife and she’ll be more than happy to explain how capable I am of being physically present, but spiritually absent. Second; it’s quite stressful having a four digit number of mails in the inbox, and posts like these are often the direct result of 50 or more mails having been read, deleted or “taken action upon”. Finally today’s and Wednesday’s posts have introduced me to 20 unfamiliar, but rather interesting, artists, thus extending the palette of bands to follow in the future. But no more ramblings for now! Instead go ahead and enjoy today’s catch!
+ Her Magic Wand - Mistakes
+ Bear Pilot – Tears
+ Music Go Music – Warm in the Shadows
+ The Fresh & Onlys – Invisible Forces
+ The Splinters – Mysterious
+ Smile Smile – Beg You To Stay
+ Boy Genius – Blame Love
+ MillionYoung – Cynthia (Letting Up Despite Great Faults Remix)
+ The Asteroids Galaxy Tour – The Sun Ain't Shining No More (33HzRemix)
+ Air Conditioning School – Wake Me Up
+ Her Magic Wand - Mistakes
+ Bear Pilot – Tears
+ Music Go Music – Warm in the Shadows
+ The Fresh & Onlys – Invisible Forces
+ The Splinters – Mysterious
+ Smile Smile – Beg You To Stay
+ Boy Genius – Blame Love
+ MillionYoung – Cynthia (Letting Up Despite Great Faults Remix)
+ The Asteroids Galaxy Tour – The Sun Ain't Shining No More (33HzRemix)
+ Air Conditioning School – Wake Me Up
February 3, 2010
From the mailbox...
Not going to waste much time on typing words today. Instead it's my intention to share the best stuff found in the mailbox (and some of it is indeed really great), so be prepared for music galore! However I cannot help adding that (as always) I'm amazed by the number of truly horrible songs and acts being promoted, making it quite a rollercoaster ride checking mails. Luckily (though quite unusual) today’s ride has had significantly more highs than lows.
+ The Soft Province - One Was A Lie
+ Phantogram - When I'm Small
+ The Secret History - Johnny Anorak
+ Gobotron - Never Turn Around
+ The Heligoats - Fish Sticks & Heat Vents
+ Satellite Crush - Paris to London
+ Prizzy Prizzy Please - Large Hadron Collider
+ Fredrik - Locked in the Basement
+ Hands - Hold
+ FM Belfast - Par Avion
That'll be all for today, but there are still 1,631 mails left in the inbox...
+ The Soft Province - One Was A Lie
+ Phantogram - When I'm Small
+ The Secret History - Johnny Anorak
+ Gobotron - Never Turn Around
+ The Heligoats - Fish Sticks & Heat Vents
+ Satellite Crush - Paris to London
+ Prizzy Prizzy Please - Large Hadron Collider
+ Fredrik - Locked in the Basement
+ Hands - Hold
+ FM Belfast - Par Avion
That'll be all for today, but there are still 1,631 mails left in the inbox...
February 1, 2010
Death Valley Sleepers has mailed a brand new recording named Into My Mind. A psychedelic 60’s inspired tune, and of course it’s absolutely fabulous. Download all previous recordings from this post.
+ Into My Mind (Disabled)
The Ginger Ninja debut album Wicked Map was released last Monday and it’s an absolutely wonderful infusion of energy. An infusion I believe all us are in dire need of right now.
Speaking of Ginger Ninja. Remember to vote for Bone Will Break Metal for next week’s Tjeklisten!
For the past two weeks The Balcony by The Rumour Said Fire has topped the aforementioned list. When and how did the band become mainstream (hate that word)?
I have spent quite some time today listening to Trespassers. That’s the new album by Kashmir, in case you’ve somehow missed the news that it’s out today! Gaffa summarizes the reviews.
Found this track by duo Evelyn Evelyn in the mailbox. The story that the duo consists of two conjoined twin sisters seems a little far-fetched! But probably the first time I’ve been mailed a track sounding like The Andrew Sisters!
+ Have You Seen My Sister Evelyn?
Safe Wat Ouy by No Blood In Bones is used as featured music in Vampire Diaries (Part 1) on Nylon TV!
+ Safe Way Out
+ Into My Mind (Disabled)
The Ginger Ninja debut album Wicked Map was released last Monday and it’s an absolutely wonderful infusion of energy. An infusion I believe all us are in dire need of right now.
Speaking of Ginger Ninja. Remember to vote for Bone Will Break Metal for next week’s Tjeklisten!
For the past two weeks The Balcony by The Rumour Said Fire has topped the aforementioned list. When and how did the band become mainstream (hate that word)?
I have spent quite some time today listening to Trespassers. That’s the new album by Kashmir, in case you’ve somehow missed the news that it’s out today! Gaffa summarizes the reviews.
Found this track by duo Evelyn Evelyn in the mailbox. The story that the duo consists of two conjoined twin sisters seems a little far-fetched! But probably the first time I’ve been mailed a track sounding like The Andrew Sisters!
+ Have You Seen My Sister Evelyn?
Safe Wat Ouy by No Blood In Bones is used as featured music in Vampire Diaries (Part 1) on Nylon TV!
+ Safe Way Out
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