I mentioned UltraChorus earlier today and a few hours later the band mailed a download link for the Ultra-Def album. Other bands please read and learn!
+ Scarlet Eyes
Blaa Vinyl has a nice post up on Bodebrixen including an interview with Andreas Brixen of the band.
It's time to check a few mails. There are more than +500 unread ones in the inbox. Actually the number is closer to 600!
I somehow doubt that major supermarket chains are willing to stock the debut album Blew It Again by Electric Tickle Machine. It's a nice album cover, though perhaps a tad bit...well you know! The music is some kind of psychedelic garage rock of decent quality, which is quite surprising taking the album wrapping into consideration.
+ Blew It Again
Just stumbled upon a US five-piece with the gorgeous name The Most Powerful Telescope In The Universe, who has just put out their debut full length album named The Moonlight's Fair Tonight. The 11-track album is a free download via Datawaslost (which is not a label, but more like a "close-knit group of musicians ... making records") and this is something I absolutely have to explore further really soon. Appealingly sounding like some mysterious blend of everything from Pink Floyd to shoegaze.
+ The Last of the Incas
I won't mention any names, but some of the stuff found in promo mails is really bad. Seriously bad. Really, seriously bad in an utter crap kind of way....Who's actually paying for this?
Hey cool! Just found the self-titled debut album by nice electro pop duo (?) Letting Up Despite Great Falls in the mailbox. This is good stuff and certainly should be mentioned in the same breath, as the many garbage bands I just complained about. But don't tell anyone that the mail was sent September 2 and I didn't read it until now! In due time, as the album will be out on Tuesday...
+ In Steps
Proud Simon will release a 5-track EP named Anchors Aweigh on November 10. I'm new to this americana inspired duo, but the promo track really makes me want to hear more! Awesomely it seems like the EP is free to download at Bandcamp?
+ Rock Unturned
Indeed it helped complaining! Everything I've checked out since has been pretty good...
Rounding out today's post is brilliant new track Don't Let The Nightlight Dance by Track a Tiger. Taken from new album I Felt The Bullet Hit My Heart.
+ Don't Let The Nightlight Dance
"Bjelij medved" is the name of the beer (everybody knows that, don't they?) I guess it means "white bear" (which may be Russian for polar bear.)
Okay, so I took Russian in high school and only recognized the "pivo" bit under the bear's face, but my skillful wife was able to translate the rest.
We actually got together in Russia, but that's a different story.
Spasibo! Invaluable knowledge :) Quite good btw. despite the 7.1% alc.vol.
I met my wife at the local disco. How trivial...
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